Iranian comedy film directed by Kamal Tabrizi. With Haniye Tavasoli, Hassan Majooni, Leila Hatami, Mani Haghighi, Mehran Modiri, Mohamadreza Hholzar, Pejman Jamshidi, Soroush Sehat, Vishka Asayesh.
Saturday, July 20
Doors 12:30 pm | Movie 1:00 pm
Advance tickets available HERE | $15 at the door
*Must be 19+ w/ID for entry.
*Sorry, Rio Theatre Groupons and passes not accepted for this event
WE ARE ALL TOGETHER (Kamal Tabrizi, 2019 / 95 mins / English subtitles) The adventure of a plane crash with passengers who have different secrets; the secrets that are not supposed to remain hidden forever…