The Wolfpack

Winner of the prestigious Grand Jury Prize (Documentary) at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, director Crystal Moselle’s moving and compelling THE WOLFPACK is on track to be one of 2015’s biggest documentary titles. The film follows the Angulo siblings, who are locked away from the outside world in their Manhattan apartment by their father. The siblings satisfy their curiosity, imagination and need to explore the world by re-enacting their favorite movies.

THE WOLFPACK (Crystal Moselle, 2015 / 98 mins) | Locked away from the outside world in a Manhattan apartment, the Angulo siblings satisfy their curiosity, imagination and need to explore by re-enacting their favorite movies.


July  14 Doors 8:30 | Movie 9:00

July 16 Doors 6:30 | Movie 7:00

July  17th Doors 6:30 | Movie 7:00


->Advance tickets for Jul 14th HERE

-> Advance tickets Jul 16th  available HERE

-> Advance tickets Jul 17th  available HERE

*Additional dates TBD

Tickets $10 advance / $12 door

All Rio Theatre tickets available on

All tickets 19+ w/ID for entry and bar service.
*Groupons and passes OK. Please redeem at the door.

“Locked away from society in an apartment on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, the Angulo brothers learn about the outside world through the films that they watch. Nicknamed the Wolfpack, the brothers spend their childhood re-enacting their favorite films using elaborate homemade props and costumes. With no friends and living on welfare, they feed their curiosity, creativity, and imagination with film, which allows them to escape from their feelings of isolation and loneliness. Everything changes when one of the brothers escapes, and the power dynamics in the house are transformed. The Wolfpack must learn how to integrate into society without disbanding the brotherhood.

Armed with unprecedented access into the subjects’ world, as well as their vast archive of home movies, director Crystal Moselle crafts a captivating portrait of an extraordinary family and inquires into the true nature of identity and creativity. By fully immersing herself into their world, she allows their remarkable story to naturally unfold without judgment. The Wolfpack resonates with the audience as it portrays people raised on movies.”

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Voted the #1 Independent Theatre in Vancouver, the Rio Theatre is a multimedia venue featuring arthouse, mainstream and cult-classic cinemas as well as live entertainment. Built in 1938, the Rio has been fully restored with a state of the art digital projector, surround sound, a huge stage and 420 luxurious seats.

1660 East Broadway, Vancouver, BC

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