
Once upon a time in Africa...

Set in 2003, genre-defying Senegalese supernatural horror thriller SALOUM is centred on the story of three legendary mercenaries who are forced to hid out in a mystical region of Senegal known as Saloum.  Shot down after fleeing a coup and extracting a drug lord from Guinea-Bissau, the trio known as the Bangui Hyenas — Chaka, Rafa and Midnight — must stash their stolen gold bounty, lay low long enough to repair and refuel their plane and escape back to Dakar, Senegal. When they take refuge at a holiday camp in the coastal region of Sine-Saloum, they do their best to blend in with their fellow guests; including a mute named Awa, with secrets of her own, and a policeman who may be on their tail, but it’s Chaka who happens to be hiding the darkest secret of them all. Unbeknownst to the other Hyenas, he’s brought them there for a reason and once his past catches up to him, his decisions have devastating consequences, threatening to unleash hell on them all. With Yann Gael, Evelyne Ily Juhen, Roger Sallah.

“Few films at TIFF 2021 were as genre-bending and defiantly original as the Senegalese thriller “Saloum.” Congolese director Jean Luc Herbulot mixes styles as diverse as spaghetti westerns, monster movies, and samurai dramas in the movie without overshadowing the story’s West African backdrop.” (The Playlist)

“Freely mixes and marries the cinematic languages of spaghetti Westerns, samurai dramas and classic monster movies to tell an exciting and distinctly African story.” (Variety)

“Spirituality, morality, mythology, and mysticism get thrown into a gritty crime thriller blender, culminating in a refreshingly unique type of genre-bender.” (Bloody Disgusting)

“The film weaves together supernatural horror elements with comedy and suspense. All aspects come together to create a unique story about how the cycle of revenge can come back to haunt you.” (Deadline Hollywood Daily)

Saturday, September 10
Doors 8:15 pm | Movie 8:45 pm *Start time subject to change. Please arrive on time.
Advance tickets HERE

Tuesday, September 13
Doors 8:15 pm | Movie 8:45 pm *Start time subject to change. Please arrive on time.
Advance tickets HERE

*Online ticket sales end an hour before any given showtime. Unless otherwise noted, they are always available at the door.
*Minors permitted. Must be 19+ w/ID for bar service. Rio Theatre Groupons and passes OK for any single film screening only. Please redeem at the box office.
*If you are looking to redeem your tickets to either a canceled Rio Theatre screening or a Rio Theatre gift certificate, please email <[email protected]> with info including your name, canceled receipt number, gift certificate info, what you are wanting to see and when, and we can make the switch for you in advance. Alternately, you can bring this information with you to the venue, and we will do our best to help you at the box office.

SALOUM (Jean Luc Herbulot, 2021 / 84 mins / 14A / French and Wolof with English subtitles) In 2003, three mercenaries extracting a druglord out of Guinea-Bissau are forced to hide in the mystical region of Saloum, Senegal.

Three mercenaries extracting a druglord out of Guinea-Bissau are forced to hide in the mystical region of Saloum, Senegal.

About The Rio

Voted the #1 Independent Theatre in Vancouver, the Rio Theatre is a multimedia venue featuring arthouse, mainstream and cult-classic cinemas as well as live entertainment. Built in 1938, the Rio has been fully restored with a state of the art digital projector, surround sound, a huge stage and 420 luxurious seats.

1660 East Broadway, Vancouver, BC

Phone: 604.879.3456

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