
Master anime creator Satoshi Kon‘s 2006 work of psychological science-fiction PAPRIKA follows Dr. Atsuko Chiba, who works as a scientist by day and, under the code name “Paprika,” is a so-called “dream detective at night.” Atsuko and her colleagues are working on a device called the DC Mini, which is intended to help psychiatric patients, but in the wrong hands it could destroy people’s minds. When a prototype is stolen, Atsuko/Paprika springs into action to recover it before damage is done.

“Following its own brand of logic, PAPRIKA is an eye-opening mind trip that is difficult to follow but never fails to dazzle.” (Rotten Tomatoes)

“As a showcase of the limitless power of the imagination, PAPRIKA never fails to delight the eye and engage the mind. We are never sure exactly whom we should be cheering for, or even if we’re rooting for real characters or their avatars.” (Toronto Star)

Sunday, November 24
Doors 1:30 pm | Movie 2:00 pm *Start time subject to change. Please arrive on time.
Advance tickets HERE

PAPRIKA “Papurika” (Satoshi Kon, 2006 / 18A / 90 mins / In Japanese with English subtitles) When a machine that allows therapists to enter their patient’s dreams is stolen, all hell breaks loose. Only a young female therapist can stop it: Paprika.

*Minors OK. Must be 19+ w/ID for bar service.
*Rio Theatre Groupons and passes OK for any single film only. Please redeem at the door.
*We recommend purchasing your tickets in advance at If a screening or live event is not sold out, the remaining tickets will be available for in-person purchase at the Rio Theatre’s Box Office prior to showtime (subject to availability).
*Our box office is typically open 30 minutes before showtime. All seating is General Admission; please arrive 20-30 minutes prior to showtime to ensure great seats, and time for treats at concession.
*If you are looking to redeem either a Rio Theatre gift certificate or Groupon to any regular Rio Theatre screening: You can either email us in advance <[email protected]> and give us a “heads up,” or do it at the box office prior to showtime.

*All Rio Theatre tickets are final sale. No refunds or exchanges.

When a machine that allows therapists to enter their patient's dreams is stolen, all hell breaks loose. Only a young female therapist can stop it: Paprika.

About The Rio

Voted the #1 Independent Theatre in Vancouver, the Rio Theatre is a multimedia venue featuring arthouse, mainstream and cult-classic cinemas as well as live entertainment. Built in 1938, the Rio has been fully restored with a state of the art digital projector, surround sound, a huge stage and 420 luxurious seats.

1660 East Broadway, Vancouver, BC

Phone: 604.879.3456

Info Line: 604.878.3456

Email: [email protected]

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