Directed by Mimi Leder, ON THE BASIS OF SEX tells the inspiring and spirited story of young Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a struggling attorney and new mother who faces adversity and numerous obstacles in her fight for equal rights. When Ruth (Felicity Jones) takes on a groundbreaking tax case with her husband, attorney Martin Ginsburg (Armie Hammer), she knows it could change the direction of her career and the way the courts view centuries of gender discrimination. Also starring Justin Theroux, Sam Waterston, Kathy Bates.
Monday, April 1
Doors 6:00 pm | Movie 6:30 pm
Advance tickets $10.50 HERE | $12.50 at the door
*Minors welcome in the balcony. Must be 19+ w/ID for bar service and main floor seating.
**Rio Theatre Groupons and passes OK. Please redeem at the door.
“The origin story of a real life hero.” (Collider)
“A vastly inspiring account of the fight for equality.” (Empire Magazine)
“It beautifully argues the importance of Ginsburg’s work – prior to the Supreme Court – and is a lovely tribute to the woman who would become the Notorious RBG.” (Tribune)
“ON THE BASIS OF SEX does a brisk, coherent job of articulating what Ginsburg accomplished and why it mattered.” (The NYTimes)
ON THE BASIS OF SEX (Mimi Leder, 2018 / 120 mins / PG) Young lawyer Ruth Bader Ginsburg teams with her husband Marty to bring a groundbreaking case before the U.S. Court of Appeals and overturn a century of gender discrimination.