My Friend Raffi

Kids Culture Film Series and Real 2 Real Film Festival

                                               are pleased to present

MY FRIEND RAFFI (Rettett Raffi) 


at the Rio Theatre 1660 East Broadway

Sunday January 29th at 1:00pm

Ages 7+  in German w/subtitles

Tickets: Adults $9, kids $6 online at
Doors open at 12:30pm and tickets there: $10/$7

Sammy’s multi-talented hamster Raffi gets kidnapped after coming home from surgery. Raffi was a gift from Sammy’s father, who is “away” for a while, and is very dear to Sammy. He is devastated when his hamster is stolen and takes on finding his treasured friend on his own, ending up in an epic journey through Hamburg, with both Sammy and Raffi taking on a multitude of foes along the way, including the nasty criminal Rocky who needs a long lesson on how to treat others. 

Based on the popular book of the same name by Arend Agthe and Bettina Kupfer, also the Director and Writers of the film.

*Advisory: Limited coarse language, a bumbling criminal, and a few suspenseful moments leading up to a happy hamster rescue!

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Voted the #1 Independent Theatre in Vancouver, the Rio Theatre is a multimedia venue featuring arthouse, mainstream and cult-classic cinemas as well as live entertainment. Built in 1938, the Rio has been fully restored with a state of the art digital projector, surround sound, a huge stage and 420 luxurious seats.

1660 East Broadway, Vancouver, BC

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