
In a small coastal town, where the lives of the residents revolve around the sea, the livelihood of a poor man’s family is entirely dependent on fishing. However, their peaceful existence is shattered when a dark shadow of evil, driven by greed and malice, threatens the life of his family. Who shall rise to vanquish the forces of inequity and safeguard the unwavering flame of faith? Starring: Arjun Kapikad, Sushmitha Bhat, Gopinath Bhat, Manasi Sudhir, Jyothish Shetty, Vijay Shobharaj Pavoor and Shlagha Saligrama.

Kaljiga is an exciting story that takes place after the shadow of adharma falls on the path of religion. Written & Directed by Suman Suvarna. The film has music-lyrics by Hamsalekha, cinematography by Sachin Shetty, background music by Prasad K Shetty and editing by Yashwin K Shettigar. Sanil Guru of Kantara fame acted as the creative head.

Canada release by Hejjenu Media

Sunday, December 29
Door: 12:15 pm | Film: 12:45 pm *Start time subject to change. Please arrive on time. 

General Admission $15+ s/c
Youth & Seniors $10+ s/c
Kids 5 and under get in FREE!

Buy tickets HERE!

Please note this film screens in KANNADA with English subtitles. There will be NO intermission with this screening.

KALJIGA (Suman Savarna | 2024 | 114 mins | Kannada w. EST) In a small coastal town, where the lives of the residents revolve around the sea, the livelihood of a poor man’s family is entirely dependent on fishing. However, their peaceful existence is shattered when a dark shadow of evil, driven by greed and malice, threatens the life of his family.

*Minors OK. Must be 19+ w/ID for bar service.
*Sorry, Rio Theatre Groupons and passes n/a for this event.
*We recommend purchasing your tickets in advance at www.riotheatretickets.ca. If a screening or live event is not sold out, the remaining tickets will be available for in-person purchase at the Rio Theatre’s Box Office prior to showtime (subject to availability).
*Our box office is typically open 30 minutes before showtime. All seating for this event is General Admission; please arrive 30-45 minutes prior to showtime to ensure great seats, and time for treats at concession.

*All Rio Theatre tickets are final sale. No refunds, no exchanges, no transfers.

About The Rio

Voted the #1 Independent Theatre in Vancouver, the Rio Theatre is a multimedia venue featuring arthouse, mainstream and cult-classic cinemas as well as live entertainment. Built in 1938, the Rio has been fully restored with a state of the art digital projector, surround sound, a huge stage and 420 luxurious seats.

1660 East Broadway, Vancouver, BC

Phone: 604.879.3456

Info Line: 604.878.3456

Email: [email protected]

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