Genome BC Presents: Let Them Eat Dirt

Allergies, obesity, asthma, intestinal disorders, auto-immune diseases, and diabetes are all on the rise, with some even doubling every ten years. New research points to changes in the complex ecosystem of microbes that live on and inside every one of us – our microbiota – as a major cause. But how could microorganisms that live in your gut affect the odds you’ll develop asthma, a disease of the lungs – or diabetes, a metabolic disorder?

LET THEM EAT DIRT: The Hunt For Our Kid’s Missing Microbes connects with young families, researchers, and doctors to sleuth out what’s harming our microbiota and learn what we can do to reverse this dangerous trend.

The screening will be followed by a Q&A, moderated by renowned journalist Kathryn Gretsinger, with Dr. Brett Finlay and Emmy Award-Winning producer Rivkah Beth Medow.

Tuesday, September 24
Doors 6:00 pm | Film 7:00 pm | Q&A 8:00 – 8:45 pm

Register for free tickets HERE

*Must be 19+ w/ID for entry and bar service.

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