Superstar Indian actor Ram Charan (RRR, MAGADEERA) stars – in dual roles – in the upcoming political and action charged Telugu-language thriller GAME CHANGER. The film follows Ram Nandan (Charan), an IAS officer with anger issues who strives to combat corrupt politicians. By advocating for fair elections, he hopes to transform the inner workings of the government – often by eliminating corrupt politicians. In the meantime, he learns more about his father Appanna (also Charan), who fights against the water resources of his village. How he saves Appanna’s dream forms the story of this gripping political action thriller. With Ram Charan, Kiara Advani, Anjali, Srikanth, Sunil.
Vancouver Premiere Shows!
Thursday, January 9 Matinee
Doors 1:50 pm | Movie 2:20 pm *Start time subject to change. Please arrive on time.
Tickets HERE
Shorter patrons (or those with young children) will have a better balcony view in Rows CC – FF. (Please consider this when purchasing your tickets.)
Please note: We kindly ask all guests to refrain from bringing confetti or torn up newspaper to throw during the screening. This film screens with an intermission.
Thursday, January 9 Evening Show
Doors 5:30 pm | Movie 5:55 pm *Start time subject to change. Please arrive on time.
Tickets HERE
Shorter patrons (or those with young children) will have a better balcony view in Rows CC – FF. (Please consider this when purchasing your tickets.)
Please note: We kindly ask all guests to refrain from bringing confetti or torn up newspaper to throw during the screening. This film screens with an intermission.
Thursday, January 9 Late Show
Doors 9:00 pm | Movie 9:30 pm *Start time subject to change. Please arrive on time.
Tickets HERE
Shorter patrons (or those with young children) will have a better balcony view in Rows CC – FF. (Please consider this when purchasing your tickets.)
Please note: We kindly ask all guests to refrain from bringing confetti or torn up newspaper to throw during the screening. This film screens with an intermission.
Additional Showtimes TBD.
GAME CHANGER (S. Shankar, 2024 / 14A / 162 mins / Telugu with English subs) An honest IAS officer’s fight against a corrupt political system through fair and transparent elections.
*Minors OK. Must be 19+ w/ID for bar service.
*Sorry, Rio Theatre Groupons and passes n/a for this event.
*We recommend purchasing your tickets in advance at If a screening or live event is not sold out, the remaining tickets will be available for in-person purchase at the Rio Theatre’s Box Office prior to showtime (subject to availability).
*Our box office is typically open 30 minutes before showtime. All seating for this event is Assigned seating; please arrive 30-45 minutes prior to showtime to ensure time to locate seats and purchase snacks at our concession.
*All Rio Theatre tickets are final sale. No refunds, no exchanges, no transfers.