The Gentlemen Hecklers Present: Anaconda

When You Can't Breathe You Can't Scream.

Come see folks who wrote jokes for Mystery Science Theater 3000 provide live commentary for the 1997 classic ANACONDA.

Jennifer Lopez, Ice Cube, Eric Stoltz, Jonathan Hyde and Owen Wilson star as a  documentary film crew who have been taken hostage by a snake hunter (Jon Voight!) who is going after the legendary giant anaconda, which is discovered in the Amazon rain forest…. Do they find it? SPOILER: They Anacon-do!*

*The Gentlemen Hecklers apologize unreservedly for that joke.

Let The Gentlemen Hecklers provide you with their unique brand of live, hilarious commentary – for the best cheesy movies! Eric Fell, Patrick Maliha, and Shaun Stewart are Vancouver’s masters of movie riffing, making so-bad-they’re-good movies even better by talking you through them.

Tuesday, September 12
Doors 9:00 pm | Movie 9:30 pm

Advance tickets $12 HERE | $14 at the door

*Must be 16+ w/ ID for entry. Must be 19+ w/ID for bar service and main floor seating.
**Sorry, Groupons and passes not accepted for this event.

Promotional consideration by our friends at the The Stormcrow Alliance

ANACONDA (Luis Llosa, 1997 / 89 mins / PG) A “National Geographic” film crew is taken hostage by an insane hunter, who takes them along on his quest to capture the world’s largest – and deadliest – snake.

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