Grace Pudel (voiced by Sarah Snook) is a lonely misfit with an affinity for collecting ornamental snails and an intense love for books. At a young age, when Grace is separated from her twin brother Gilbert (Kodi Smit-McPhee), she falls into a spiral of anxiety and angst. Despite a continued series of hardships, inspiration and hope emerge when she strikes up an enduring friendship with an elderly eccentric woman named Pinky (Jacki Weaver), who is full of grit and lust for life.
From Academy Award-winning animation writer and director Adam Elliot, MEMOIR OF A SNAIL is a poignant, heartfelt, hilarious chronicle of the life of an outsider finding her confidence and silver linings amongst the clutter of everyday life.
“A grubby delight, a stop-motion charmer that feels like falling into a dumpster and discovering an orchid.” (Washington Post)
“A unique experience, and therefore, the best kind of gut punch.” (Exclaim!)
“Adam Elliot’s bittersweet tragicomedy Memoir of a Snail packs an unexpected emotional punch as one of the year’s greatest animated films, but also as one of the must-watch movies of 2024. Period.” (ThatShelf)
“There’s a story here about being shoved into a shell and choosing to leave it behind, to find a new life beyond safety and fear. Even a snail, the movie eventually reminds us, can only move forward.” (New York Times)
Thursday, January 2
Doors 4:00 pm | Movie 4:30 pm *Start time subject to change. Please arrive on time.
Tickets HERE
MEMOIR OF A SNAIL (Adam Elliott, 2024 / 14A / 94 mins) A bittersweet memoir of a melancholic woman called Grace Pudel – a hoarder of snails, romance novels, and guinea pigs.
*Minors OK. Must be 19+ w/ID for bar service.
*Rio Theatre Groupons and passes OK for any single film only. Please redeem at the door.
*We recommend purchasing your tickets in advance at If a screening or live event is not sold out, the remaining tickets will be available for in-person purchase at the Rio Theatre’s Box Office prior to showtime (subject to availability).
*Our box office is typically open 30 minutes before showtime. All seating is General Admission; please arrive 20-30 minutes prior to showtime to ensure great seats, and time for treats at concession.
*If you are looking to redeem either a Rio Theatre gift certificate or Groupon to any regular Rio Theatre screening: You can either email us in advance <[email protected]> and give us a “heads up,” or do it at the box office prior to showtime.
*All Rio Theatre tickets are final sale. No refunds or exchanges.