Season of the Witch

“We are the granddaughters of the witches you were unable to burn.”
17th Century New England: A hotbed of Puritan repression and paranoia.
For one young woman, a life of peaceful subservience is forever shattered when she is accused of the worst of female sins: Witchcraft.
Inspired by fiction like The Crucible and the VVitch, and from records of the Malleus Maleficarum and actual witchcraft confessions, SEASON OF THE WITCH is a musical tribute to all outsiders past and present. Featuring burlesque and dance from some of Vancouver’s most exciting performers, with music ranging from the new wave to doom folk to infectious dance metal, this show imagines what it would be like if Arthur Miller listened to rock and roll.
Saturday, December 8
Doors 8:00 pm | Show 9:00 pm
Advance tickets $20 HERE | $25 at the door
*Must be 19+ w/ID for entry and bar service.
**Sorry, Rio Theatre Groupons and passes not accepted for this event.
Gidget Gravedigger
Ruthe Ordare
Miss Kiss
Sweetpea Magee
Lilac Luste
Rhinappropriate Behaviour
Kelsey Savage
David Quast
Simon Peter Cameron

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About The Rio

Voted the #1 Independent Theatre in Vancouver, the Rio Theatre is a multimedia venue featuring arthouse, mainstream and cult-classic cinemas as well as live entertainment. Built in 1938, the Rio has been fully restored with a state of the art digital projector, surround sound, a huge stage and 420 luxurious seats.

1660 East Broadway, Vancouver, BC

Phone: 604.879.3456

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