HANUMAN is an Indian superhero film directed by Prasanth Varma, and features an ensemble cast, including Teja Sajja. Inspired by the Hindu God Hanuman, the action fantasy film is set in the fictional village of Anjanadri, and is the first installment of the Prasanth Varma Cinematic Universe, followed by ADHIRA.
Sunday, January 21 Screening in Telugu w/EST
Doors 11:30 am | Movie 12:00 pm *Start time subject to change. Please arrive on time.
Adults $18+ s/c HERE | $20 at the door
Children (Under 13) $12+ s/c HERE | $14 at the door
*Please note: This film screens with a brief intermission.
Tuesday, January 23 This screening is in Hindi w/ EST
Doors 11:30 am | Movie 12:00 pm *Start time subject to change. Please arrive on time.
Adults $18+ s/c HERE | $20 at the door
Children (Under 13) $12+ s/c HERE | $14 at the door
*Please note: This film screens with a brief intermission.
HANUMAN (Prasanth Varma/ 150 mins / 14A / Telugu with English subtitles) An imaginary place called Anjanadri where the protagonist gets the powers of Hanuman and fights for Anjanadri.
*All Rio Theatre tickets are final sale.